About Our Company
Depanaze.com is a Mauritius Service Website that help you to find a handyman,mechanicien,etc near you,Life is easy with depanaze.com , Nu depann ou
Depanaze is a register company in Mauritius with the BRN: I20005751 , With this website ,it will help everyone a lot to search for a professional easily such as Manual workers.

How it Works
Create Account
Click on the logo that is near Post your Business
Post your Ad
Write a lot of details about your Business
Get Offers
Get a Website link for your Business
Start earning
Wait and share your website link to earn clients.
Story of Depanaze.com Dream
What is the story of Depanaze.com , Let go in 2014 , i was in first year of my Information technology course , My lecturer told me to do a website with an original ideas ,Thinking about what can i made different form the others , I firstly create a website with the story of pointe aux sables, then added Time of the Bus that come and go. After 1 week of reflection and dreaming , A plombier came to repair some stuff at my house ,and was talking with my dad saying that it is very difficult to work because there are not a lot of people who know him. The brilliant idea of adding a manual worker on the website was just born.After presenting my project to my lecturer , he was definitely surprised by this idea, and I got an A+ . Then in 2020 , I created depanaze.com , which is based on my ideas 6 years ago, The website is totally free , and manual work only needs to be filled a form to enter the website , of course with verification. What advantages does depanaze.com offer ? -We offer free accounts for tradesmen, Our Goals are to help everyone, and make life easier for clients to search a tradesman who is near their location. you can easily register through Facebook and rate,like and comment on their work done by them. The reason why I look for donations is for the development and maintenance of the website. -The website is totally free for everyone. For more information , you can visit my facebook page or informative depanaze website. About funding of the website: i invest a lot on the platform and also am the developer of the website: Maintenance,security,Hosting,Validate & Checking worker before adding to the website,managing the facebook page , and customer support on website chat of the website. Thank you very much for the Donation in advance !!! Let's innovate together and facilitate life in Mauritius.